Thursday, July 4, 2019

Duke of Zhou 周公旦(1), 雅公 (28)

Duke of Zhou 周公旦(1), 雅公 (28)

Sometimes it is more impressive to hear someone talk about the subjectthan reading oneself. Esp. a westerner to talk about China

immortal Zhou Gong, the Duke of Zhou.  If he isn’t the most revered person from Chinese history, he’s certainly in the top three.  He guided the earliest years of the Zhou Dynasty through treacherous times.  Zhou Gong was responsible for building a great amount of the foundation from which Chinese culture has evolved. He was credited with elaborating the doctrine of the Mandate of Heaven,He was also known as the First Sage (s 元圣, t 元聖, Yuán Shèng).
In 2004, Chinese archaeologists reported that they may have found his tomb complex in Qishan County, Shaanxi
Duke of Zhou is also known as the "God of Dreams". The Analects record Confucius saying, "How I have gone downhill! It has been such a long time since I dreamt of the Duke of Zhou." This was meant as a lamentation of how the governmental ideals of the Duke of Zhou had faded, but was later taken literally. In Chinese legends, if an important thing is going to happen to someone, the Duke of Zhou will let the person know through dreams: hence the Chinese expression "Dreaming of Zhou Gong".


So Sun-Hoo Foo 符傳孝 (111 -74-32) 1-2 i.e. 74+(28-1) =111

Monday, July 1, 2019




五胡亂華之後,華北經過長期戰亂,原先在河洛地區(河圖與洛書),中國古代傳說中上天授與的圖象、數列。的知識分子、士、農、工、商、、等紛紛逃亡到江南地區避亂,也有族群避難遷徙,輾轉來到閩南泉州、漳州、潮州 、汀州或梅州、惠州、、等地區定居。

河洛叫做「河圖與洛書」,河洛就地區來講 就是 中國河南、洛陽一帶地區,廣義泛指中原。

