Sunday, March 27, 2022

4 Foo Hong 符大煥(31-73) : Luo Hong Xian's Poems Of Awakening the World 醒世诗




Luo Hong Xian's Poems Of Awakening To The World



                                Foo Hong 符大煥(31-73)

Sun-Hoo Foo 符傳孝 (32-74-109) 1-2

March 19 2022

                                                                                                             Poem: GH

Dad went to Malaya in 1938 when he was 16. When dad first copied these poems Which were  inscribed on a huge rock located in Kek Lok Si Temple (極樂寺), Penang, he was 24 in the year 1946, 8 years after fleeing warring China, only to be tortured during the Japanese invasion. Yet he persevered. During these times, when nothing was for granted, he educated himself, raised 6 of us and many others. He copied the poems again in 1996 ( age 72) and then calligraphed in 2000 ( age 78).All these year in the architect firm, he wrote and drafted with pen, he picked up Chinese brush himself after he retired. He finished the work on Christmas morning at home in Brunei. He showed me this third version and I have a digital copy. He copied the poems three times, he must have been deeply touched.

I know of these poems only after he copied them for the third time while mom, his wife/comrade throughout these difficult and challenging years, was withering in bed from sickness under the loving care of her children/my beloved siblings.

So why did Lo2 Zhuang4 Yuan2 羅狀元bother to write these poems, Xing3Shi4Shi1 醒世詩 in the year 1530 when he suddenly decided to leave the court and abandon the honor of scoring first in the imperial examination and let go of all the impending glory/success?

Following are examples of what he wrote: 

As rich as Shi2 Chong2 ,He did not enjoy thousand years of wealth.石崇不享千年富

General Han2 Xin4,despite his ingenious 10 military strategies, did not escape his own miserable fate.  韓信空成十大謀

Riches and powers of mortals are like the dew on flowers人間富貴花間露 

The honors and fames on paper are like the waves of the sea 紙上功名水上漚

And more:

When dealing with comings and goings, patience is indispensable abandon

Always toiling and laboring, when will there ever be free time?

Twisting and turning like a river, the mind works in this manner.

Layered and overlapping, mundane affairs pile into mountains.


In the past and present, changes are always manifold.

The days of poverty and wealth come and go in a cycle.

Be content with what we already have, as it will help us get through life.

Sweet and bitter tastes of life, will leave the same feeling in the end


In hurry and in haste, our painstaking pursuits continue,

Through warm and cold, springs and autumns come and go

Day and night, we manage household affairs.

Ignorant and confused, we are suddenly old.


All these quarrels over right and wrong, when will they ever stop?

So much worries and afflictions, when will they ever cease?

Clearly and consciously, we tread our chosen path.

Giving hundreds and thousands of reasons, we refuse to cultivate.



English translation: Miao Guang

And why the authors of these 2 epic novels, Dream of the Red Chambe紅樓夢, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義 wrote the followings:

 Though the virtues of the Gods

 All mankind may fully know, 

Still the heaping up of riches 

They reluctantly forego.

世人都曉神仙好 只有金銀忘不了

Daily they lament their failure, 

With their first and last breath,

When satiety arrives

Then their eyes are closed in death. 

終朝只恨聚無多 及到多時眼閉了

紅樓夢  曹雪芹 〔清代〕

The gushing waters of the Yangzi River pour and disappear into the East, washing away past heroes: their triumphs and failures, all vanish into nothingness in an instant.  Yet, the green hills stood as before, along with the perpetual rosy sunset. 

translated by Vincent Poon


滾滾長江東逝水,浪花淘盡英雄。是非成敗轉頭空:青山依舊在幾度夕陽紅。 三國演義

With so much hardship he went through, I never heard him complaining of his frustration or showed any depression. The poems are all about the futility of life experiences and how should one be awakened and abandon these temptations . I interpreted that in 2009 and made a power point

And if at the end ,every things is empty. What keep dad and others going and not sink into depression?

Maybe life is a process 

Like a little man rolling a rock up the mountain,. Again, and again. It is the process that counts

Life is not a cup half empty but half full

生活的杯子並非半空, 都是半滿的

And like Contorta branch, life bends whichever way, but eventually it will surely go up

生活的榛枝 扭曲盤轉 最終還是向上的

If you find a reason to be depressed you can definitely also find a good reason to be happy

有理由憂鬱  就更有理由高興

If there is wind outside the window, then one has the reason to fly

窗外有風  我就有飛的理由

Like this autumn leaf, the heroes of all ages are washed away in the white waves.

清波浮沈  今日秋葉  白浪淘盡  千古英雄

May be he saw through everything, keep the original intention, and do one thing to the end



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I also want to thank Green Hsieh, Patrick Siu, Bruce Mack and Mei Lu for their advices and helps.
Kek Lok Si Temple (極樂寺)
極樂寺於1891年由第一代祖師妙蓮長老所創建,是東南亞最大的北傳佛教聖地。 / Established in 1891, Kek Lok Si Temple is the largest Mahayana temple complex in South East.還有一座“韜光亭",亭中刻著明嘉靖六年(1527年)狀元羅洪先寫的《醒世歌Luo Hongxian (羅洪先; 1504–1564) was a Ming dynasty Chinese cartographer



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