Sunday, March 27, 2022

5 Foo Hong 符大煥(31-73) Mural : one continuous stroke Endless nostalgia 一筆劃 不盡鄉愁


Chinese version published in WeiXin 3/21/2022


One continuous stroke

Endless nostalgia

一筆劃 不盡鄉愁 

Foo Hong 符大煥(31-73)

Sun-Hoo Foo 符傳孝 (109-74-32) 1-2

March 14 2022

living room, 3 Jalan Teraja, Brunei 1960


Because of the Japanese invasion, my grandmother spent 390 yen to entrust the village folks to take my dad on a ship named "Southern America," and he sailed for three days and three nights to Malaya, so he can be cared for by my grandfather. That year, my dad was only 15 years old, and he barely finished his 3rd year at Qiongya Middle School.

During that era of suffering, he worked very hard. He was selected from one of many drivers to serve a general. Later on, his painting talent was noticed by his boss. After the Japanese surrendered, his boss returned to start an architect firm, and invited him to work as a draftsman. He studied at the evening school to become an architect. His company, Booty & Edward, sent him to plan and supervise the construction of the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, which is still the icon of the country of Brunei.

He and mom raised six children and several brothers and nephews, and he helped his Hainan relatives and friends in need. He definitely believed that China would one day become stronger, and he almost sent me back during the Great Leap to build the motherland. Because there was not enough room, he used shelves to partitioned a space in the living room for me. In 1957, after the Soviet Union sent the first satellite into space, he used a continuous black line to paint a mural on the yellow outer wall.

The mural resembles the map of China. He believes the red-colored Hainan Island at the bottom of the mural, like a beating heart, is the origin of the power to energize China. Next to the three-colored blocks of ‘yellow, white and yellow,’ is the huge, futuristic, red rocket of China flying at a 45-degree angle towards the right, carrying a red satellite on the tip, ready to explore the universe. Taiwan is green here. The five colored blocks in the big center circle of China symbolize unity of the five major ethnic groups. Only by working together can China be strong. If one were to look carefully, the painting hides a hugeSrepresenting   superiority but not the destructive super power!

Every time I look at this photo, I think of my father. Borrowing his inspiration, I use his mural at the end of my slideshows or videos. He points us to the right direction.  


一筆劃 不盡鄉愁


因為 日本侵略,祖母用390大洋托 鄉親用船把瓊崖中學就讀才近三年的家父乘上名為“美南”的輪船,航行了三天三夜送到馬來亞依靠海外謀生的祖父。那年他才15 歲。抵達新加坡碼頭。登岸後,幸有從兄等照料,吃住都不要錢,還帶他到移民廳辦理登記手續,入家鄉人開的咖啡店喝咖啡,同鄉人相識。





每天到管理處詢找工作都不成,不料在路上卻遇上一位他在軍車隊修理時,幫助過的印尼人,說他自己工作的工程隊還缺司機,希望家父去應徵。沒想到,百里挑一, 他被選為中校的專用司機。週末載中校全家到外郊遊的空檔,他就在車上修理小收音機,附近畫畫, 因而被老闆賞識。中校後來退伍轉為建築師,把又失業的家父聘為繪圖員學徒。他又就讀夜學考得建築師執照,公司送他去規劃監造現今仍然是汶萊國圖標的回教堂( Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque)

戰亂時代,朝不保夕,他不忘照顧朋友,朋友也幫助他。他時時刻刻,省吃儉用。教養六個子女和多個弟弟侄子之外, 還忘不了救濟海南親友。他腦海裡堅信中國一定會強大起來,還差點把我送回去建設祖國。

因為寢室不夠 ,他為我在客廳用櫥架圍隔成房間。 1957那 年 蘇聯把第一顆人造衛星送上太空後,他就在寢室奶油色的外牆,用一筆不斷的黑線勾畫出他腦海中連續不斷,不能切割分開的祖國思念。

他認為壁畫下端紅顏色的海南島,就像搏動的心臟,是這個團結強大能量的起源。黃白黃三片色塊下,以45度角向右飛翔的,是祖國將來建造的巨大紅色火箭,鼻尖上還載著紅色的爱心衛星,為人類服務。綠色的是台灣。中間 大園圈的五種色塊象徵中國五大民族的團結,只有齊心協力,中國才能強大。仔細看, 畫面還藏著巨大的【Ssuper 超級大國!

每次望著這照片,我都會想起家父。想到他们那一代的苦难,那一代的坚韧,我也禁不住把他這壁畫,他对祖國思念 當做我的視頻, 幻燈片集的結尾。

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